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Human efforts towards attaining goals depends highly on effective communication, and the major ingredient that makes communication possible is information. Information is an important resource for individual growth and survival. The progress of modern societies as well as individuals depends a great deal upon the provision of the right kind of information, in the right form and at the right time. Information is needed to be able to take a right decision and also reduce uncertainty. If information is this valuable, it must be put to proper use, that is, made available to people or group of people who need it, after managing it properly. This study examined information resource management in the Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Abuja with particular emphasis on how the information resources were generated/sourced; acquired; processed, used; as well as the strategies used for the protection, security and preservation of the information resources. Also, factors that militated against effective information resource management were examined, as well as the effects of ICT on Information Resource Management. The population of the study was the entire staff of the Ministry of Petroleum Resources, numbering eight hundred from the top management staff down to the middle/junior executive staff. A sampled population was taken from the larger population for the study using Morgan (1970) table for determination of accurate sample size from a given population. The research method adopted was the survey method, with an instrument of the questionnaire. The questionnaire was designed by the researcher in sections corresponding to the major area of information resource management. Two hundred and sixty copies of the questionnaire were administered to the sample size randomly selected. About two hundred and fifty copies of the questionnaire received a positive response and were collected back for data analysis. The raw data scores were analyzed in percentages using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS). It was reported descriptively on tables and also graphically illustrated. The data analysis was designed in such a way that every research question was addressed by using raw scores and their equivalent percentages. The study found out that information resources were not effectively managed in the MPR, based on the following factors: lack of training and workshops, lack of seminars and conferences on information resource management, lack of enough computer personnel to manage the technologies (ICT) available, and lack of adequate knowledge on the use of ICT by most of the staff of the MPR. The study also revealed that the demand for and use of ICT for information work was high, especially for processing information by management staff and information officers in the MPR. However, among all the ICT available at the MPR, the computer, telephone/telecommunications, and files/folders were the most used compared to others. The study also revealed that there was inadequacy of the new information technology (ICT) in most departments of the MPR, and also the absence of a standard electronic library and information centre, which suggested the absence of proper management of information resources. Based on these findings, the researcher recommended that, more ICT equipment and facilities should be provided at the MPR. Also, staff of the MPR should be trained regularly on Information Resource Management. Furthermore, a standard e-library and information centre should be put in place to manage printed and electronic information resources properly. It was also recommended that candidates should possess ICT knowledge before they can be employed into the organization. In conclusion, the researcher suggested further research in similar organizations like the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF), Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND), Petroleum Equalization Fund (PEF), Petroleum Training Institute (PTI), Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) and Petroleum Product Prizing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA), in order to add to knowledge.
1.1 Background to the study
This study is on “Information Resource Management in the Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Abuja”. Information is very complex and difficult, as evident in the various definitions and attributes of the concept. Notwithstanding the fact that information is as old as man, and that it affects and is affected by all aspects of human activities, no consensual definition of the word exists in the literature. Available definitions reflect the emphasis and perhaps prejudice of their proponents. Information is a multi-disciplinary concept, it is against this background that Eliss (1999:2) observes that the data processing manager might conceive it in terms of data, the record manager in terms of records and report, the librarian or information scientists in terms of documents or materials and the rural people in terms of message. The foregoing, according to Ajewole (2001:216), had led to the categorization of information definition into three (3) strands. The first is the scientific and technical information (STI). This is within the domain of scientific and technological communities. The second strand is socio-cultural; in this context, information is viewed as knowledge which is transferable in the conduct of various activities. In the final strand, information is perceived as a basic resource and an indispensable and irreplaceable link between a variety of activities, intellectual and material, in the service of society, institutions and individuals. However, within each of these strands, there is no consensual definition of the concept.
Information is the resources which allows us to change and improve the society, we live in, it unfolds man physically, mentally, socially, politically and spiritually. It is a resource for the acquisition of power, it can be used in making national decisions by
individuals, group of individuals and organizations. The management of information resources, therefore, has become a critical issue in every sphere of life especially in public and government organizations where the right information is needed for decision making to move the nation forward. It is in view of this that the researcher undertook a study on Information Resource Management in the Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Abuja.
Public organizations in Nigeria need to serve as better sources of social and economic transformation by placing emphasis on information resource management. Information resource management helps organizations to maintain accountability, transparency and efficient services. Relevant information services are responsive to the needs of all the management uncertainty in decisions. Information resource management is based on the tenets of generation, acquisition, storage and use of information within the organization.
It is important to define Information Resource Management (IRM) and examine its scope for proper understanding of the activities involved. There are various popular definitions which, put together, gives a holistic picture. Schoneyman (1995:35) defined IRM as the Management (planning, Organization, Operations and control) of the resources (human and physical) concerned with the systems support (development, enhancement and maintenance) and the servicing (processing, transformation, distribution, storage and retrieval) of information (data, text, voice, image) for an enterprise. Mcleod and Brittain-White (1960:28) viewed IRM as the recognition by an organization that data and information are valuable resources and the application of the same principles of managing physical resources such as personnel. Other writers like Burk and Horton (1988:24) are of the view that IRM is the process within the information management area that serves the corporate interest. IRM seeks to harness information for the benefit of the organization as
a whole by exploiting, developing and optimizing information resources. The interest of the organization are usually manifested by its corporate goals and objectives, in their opinion IRM is the managerial link that connects corporate information resources with the organization‟s goals and objectives. Kerr (1991:15) refers to IRM as simply the belief that information is an asset that should be managed rigorously and can contribute to the success of businesses. Furthermore, O‟Brien (1990:22) viewed IRM as the managing of information resources – a major strategic responsibility of both managerial end users and traditional information system management.
There are many definitions in use for IRM, reflecting the various perspectives on the scope and impact of the information resources. One such IRM definition by Hoven (2001:80) can be derived by breaking up the term “information resource management” into its component parts:
- Information as something told or items of knowledge.
- Resource as a stock or supply that can be drawn on.
- Management as the professional administration of business concern.
The above breakdown suggest that all organizational activities have been embraced
in every ramification to bring about success.
Information, according to Burch and Grudnitski (1989:13) is important to the success of organizations in achieving their objectives. They maintained that it is “Information that ties all of organization‟s resources together for better operation, coordination and survival in a competitive environment.” Information is the key ingredient of modern organizations and therefore, the management of information is critical in public organizations. Information Resource Management can enable an organization to achieve its goals in a state of unity and harmony; it involves the communication and tapping of
experiences and knowledge in the organization. Public organizations in Nigeria require information to stimulate them to action and to inform them on the outcome of the options to work with. It therefore means that, the management staff in any organization need to manage information properly and disseminate it at the right time to managers who need the information to take decision for effective and efficient managerial operations.
The information management profession actually consists of a number of largely isolated parts. These include librarians, records managers, archivists and computer information system professionals (Atkociunine, 2009:28). Information Resources are assets in organizations. IRM stresses upon information as a resources just as any other resources with a final value established according to information quality criteria (novelty, reliability, precision etc), potential and effectiveness of its application. Atkociuniene (2009) further stressed the fact that Information Resource Management is the engine that is driving the information economy, it has and will continue to have a profound impact on business management, competitive advantage, and productivity. Information resource management is an integral part of corporate strategies and can be used by organizations to gain competitive advantages in their markets. IRM and the management of information resources affect all functional areas and all management levels of an organization. To further emphasize on IRM, Willard (1993:18) in Aslib, proposed a model based on traditional resource management principles which eventually become “The Willard Model”, which identified five key elements of IRM.
- 1. Identification: The discovery of information resources and the recording of their
features in an inventory.
2. Ownership: The establishment of responsibility for the upkeep of an information resources.
Cost and value: assessment of the cost of an information resources and its value to the organization.
- 4. Development: The further development of an existing information resources to enhance its value to the organization.
- 5. Exploitation: The process which may allow a resource to generate further value through conversion into an asset or a saleable commodity.
Based on the theoretical framework of Willard, Aslib later held a series of other
workshops to explore each of the above mentioned elements. The IRM network of Aslib has concluded that the scope and definition and activities under the denotation of Information Resource Management is totally encompassed by knowledge management which is the term used in the latest context in information arena and a natural extension of the ideas of IRM. Knowledge management has structured and functional basis in the Information Management (IM) or Information Resource Management (IRM).
Information Resource Management stresses upon information as a resources just as any other resources like human resources and financial resources in organizations. Information is a resource with a final value established according to information quality criteria (novelty, reliability, precision, etc) potential, and effectiveness of its application. Information Resource Management is the engine that is driving the information economy. It has and will continue to have a profound impact on business management, competitive advantage and productivity. Information resource management is an integral part of corporate strategies and can be used by organizations to gain competitive advantage in their markets. The management of Information Resources had generally affect all functional areas of management levels in organizations.
Information resource management is the organization and control of information; it is interrelated to information management. Uwaifo (2004:3) made a remark that information record/resource is necessary because it contains information that is vital to the daily operations of the organizations and institutions. He further observes that an organization cannot function smoothly and efficiently in the absence of proper information resource management. Similarly, Ibrahim (1999: 45) stressed the need for organizations to facilitate decision making. He opined that the records not well managed are useless and the information functions of any office lies in its ability to manage its information resources well.
Allen (2005:8) undertook a study on information management practices. He asserted that an information management practice is a key focus for many organizations across both public and private organizations. He further stated that information management is driven by some factors which include a need to improve the organization processes, the demand of compliance regulations and desire to deliver new services. This is related to this study because it gives a comprehensive approach to information resource management in public organizations. A more comprehensive study on information resource management which this study found relevant is the work by Frishamma (2002:22). He viewed information resource management as a discipline that analyses information as an organizational resources which cover the definition, uses, values and distributions of data and information within an organization whether processed by computer or not. They emphasized that information resource management evaluates the kinds of data and information that is required by organizations to function and progress effectively.
1.2 History of the Nigeria Petroleum Industry and the Ministry of Petroleum Resources
The Mandate of Ministry of Petroleum Resource Handbook (2004:12) revealed that.the petroleum industry in Nigeria is the largest industry and the main generator of GDP in Nigeria which is also the continent‟s most populous sector. Since the British discovered oil in the Niger Delta in the late 1950s, the oil industry was marred by military and economic strife largely due to a long history of corrupt military regimes and complicity of multinational corporations, notably Royal Dutch Shell. Despite this, it was not until the early 1990s during the military regime that the situation was given international attention.
Oil was discovered in Nigeria in 1956 at Oloibiri in the Niger Delta after half a century of exploration, the discovery was made by Shell-BP. Nigeria joined the ranks of oil producers in 1958 when its first oil field came on stream producing 5,100 barrel production. After 1960, exploration rights in onshore and offshore areas adjoining the Niger Delta were extended to other foreign companies. In 1965 the Eastern Area field was discovered by Shell in shallow water southeast of Warri. In 1970, the end of the Biafra war, coincided with the rise in the world‟s oil price, and Nigeria was able to reap instant riches from its oil production.
Nigeria joined the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in 1971and established the Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) in 1977; a state owned and controlled company which is a major player in both the upstream and downstream sectors. Following the discovery of crude oil by Shell D‟Arcy Petroleum, pioneer production began in 1958 from the company‟s oil field in Oloibiri in the Eastern Niger Delta. By the late sixties and early seventies, Nigeria had attained a production level
of over 2 million barrels of crude oil a day. Although production figures dropped in the eighties due to economic slump, 2004 saw a total rejuvenation of oil production to a record level of 2.5 million barrels per day. Currently, development strategies are aimed at increasing production to 4 million barrels per day by the year 2014. Petroleum production and export play a dominant role in Nigeria‟s economy and account for about 90% of her gross earnings. This dominant role has pushed agriculture, the traditional mainstay of the economy, from the early fifties and sixties, to the background.
In the 1990‟s to 2008 the Ministry of Petroleum Resources existed as Federal Ministry of Energy (Petroleum & Gas) but in the year 2009, the Federal Government saw the need to create MPR to stand as an organization overseeing the activities of the major parastatals that deal with Petroleum products. That was how the MPR was put in place to stand as a mother ministry for the petroleum sector.
The Mandate of MPR Handbook (2004:3) further revealed the vision of the Ministry of Petroleum Resources (MPR) to be a veritable instrument for effective and efficient exploration and utilization of the Nation‟s Petroleum for the transformation of her economy. On the other hand, the mission is to formulate and monitor policies, regulations, standards and codes for the orderly, safe, peaceful and lawful development of the nation‟s petroleum resources so as to secure maximum value for the resources and render best services to the Nation, while maintaining international relations that promote Nigeria‟s sovereign interest in the Petroleum industry.
The Ministry of Petroleum Resources is a government organization whose operational framework is made up of the Honourable Minister who is a political appointee, and the Permanent Secretary who is a career officer and the Chief Accounting Officer of the Ministry. The Permanent Secretary reports all the affairs of the Ministry to
the Honourable Minister, while the Directors in the Ministry report to the Permanent Secretary. The Ministry has seven Directorates, each headed by a Director, viz:
Department of Human Resources Management, Department of Planning, Research and Statistics, Information and Press Unit Department of Finance and Accounts
Legal Department
Department of Procurement
Department of Gas and Special Duties
Each of the Departments has various divisions and sections in a hierarchical/pyramid setting headed by Deputy Directors, and the Assistant Directors heading sub-sections/units. The Directors report directly to the Permanent Secretary, while the Deputy Directors report to the Directors and the Assistant Directors report to the Deputy Directors respectively. The MPR operational frame work operates in a hierarchical level from the top management cadre down to the middle/junior executive cadre.
The Mandate of MPR Handbook (2004:4) has this as the functions of the Ministry:
- Initiation and formulation of the board policies and programmes on the development of the Petroleum sector (Oil and Gas) in general;
- All policies matters on the marketing of crude oil, natural gas, Petroleum products and their derivatives;
- All concession policies in the oil and gas sub-sectors of the energy sector of the economy;
- Formulation of policies to stimulate private industry investment and participation in the oil and gas sectors;
- Administration of government joint venture interests in the Petroleum sector in order to maximize fully economic benefits derivable from Nigeria‟s oil and gas resources and ensuring optimization of government interest in all oil and gas arrangements;
- Licensing of all Petroleum and gas operations and activities;
- Policy matters relating to research and development in Petroleum and Gas sectors of the Petroleum industry;
- Development of hydro-carbon industries including natural gas, processing, refineries and Petrochemical industries through public private partnership;
- Formulation of policies to ensure increase of natural oil and gas reserve base and
Nigeria‟s increase technical productivity in accordance with appropriate planning and allocation of production quotas to producing companies in line with OPEC quota and maximization of revenue from oil and gas to the Nation;
- Coordination and supervision of all bilateral and multilateral relations affecting the energy (Oil and Gas) Sector; Overall supervision and coordination of the activities of the following parastatals and its subsidiaries.
Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) Petroleum Equalization Fund (PEF)
Petroleum Training Institute (PTI)
Petroleum Product Prizing Regulatory Agency (PPPRA)
The objectives and targets of government in the Petroleum sector are strategic to the industrial, technological, economic and social development of the country. To achieve this
various reforms and incentives were introduced since 1999 and they brought significant improvements in the overall management of the country‟s oil and gas resources. Government had introduced reforms in the oil and gas sectors with the following structure for the industry:
National Petroleum Directorate (NPD)
Petroleum Inspectorate Commission (PIC)
National Oil Company (NOC)
Petroleum Products and Distribution Authority (PPDA)
National Oil and Gas Assets Holding and Management Services Company (NOGAHMSC)
National Petroleum Research Centre (NPRC)
The sector was restructured in line with the reforms while NNPC is being repositioned towards achieving high performance standards in terms of improvements in overall business performance, best practices, financial management, technology systems and human resources as a world-class Oil and Gas company.
Since the establishment of the Ministry of Petroleum Resources it has been working hand in hand with the parastatals above to ensure efficiency, effectiveness and transparency in the Oil and Gas sector of the economy. In line with the numerous responsibilities of the Ministry to coordinate and supervise the activities of the above parastatals and reform structures, provision of relevant information has become a paramount importance. Therefore, accurate information for management staff to carry out their duties effectively is a priority for best results to be achieved. It is in view of this that the researcher saw the need to carry out this study.
The Ministry of Petroleum Resources (MPR) was set up by government to accomplish some stated goals and objectives as mentioned above for the benefit of the
Nigerian populace. According to the Mandate of MPR Handbook(2004:5), the MPR is to compute the gains incurred from the price of petroleum products a special account and invest in social infrastructural projects for the benefit of Nigerian citizenry; to ensure the efficient and diligent utilization of the Fund on hydro-carbon industries including natural gas, processing, refineries and petrochemical industries through public private partnership; to function as an intensive intervention domestic finance organization within Nigeria for coordination and supervision of all bilateral and multilateral relations affecting Oil and Gas sectors.
To achieve its mission, the MPR attempted to restore the confidence of the Nigerian citizenry in public institutions‟ ability to creditably implement development projects in Oil and Gas sector of the economy. The operational philosophy of the MPR, therefore, is to achieve an efficient, honest and modest accountability in Oil and Gas sector that will have positive impact in uplifting the general condition of living of all Nigerians. The MPR recognized the availability of resources for its operations but believed that the most important resources available were resilience and ingenuity of the Nigerian populace. The MPR, therefore, sought and employed talented professionals and companies of high personal and cooperation integrity whose unique knowledge and attributes would contribute to the fulfillment of its mission.
1.3 Statement of the Problem
The mission and objectives of the MPR couldn‟t have been realized without prudent management of resources, including information. Information resources are indispensable tool in the development process of modern organizations. People depend on information for economic, social, cultural, scientific and technological progress. The development in science and technology was made possible by information resource products and services.
Indeed, public organizations in Nigeria require information to perform their task and to keep up to date with developments in their fields. Thus, it is essential to understand how a number of public organizations seek for and use information resources or transfer knowledge and information from one to another with a view to communicating or providing better information services to enable them to perform their tasks. In view of this, three problems led to this study as discussed below.
Most large public organizations in Nigeria are faced with the problem of getting the right information that would enable them to carry out their activities. Therefore, a lot of time is used in the search for specific information resources by management staff and information managers who need just quick information for decision making. This is one of the reasons why public sectors in Nigeria are declining. For instance way back in the 1960‟s and 1970‟s Nigeria had an efficient railway sector, Nigeria airways, good and reputable educational sector, and health sectors, but today in the 21st century all this sectors have declined due to improper information management, this has posed a lot of problem in the Nation.
It has been observed also that many Information professionals lack information management skills, while the few that possess such skills need to update their knowledge in line with the current trends. This process poses challenges for the need for a quick access to accurate information resources which can facilitate the actualization of the goal and objectives of the organization through the use of information resources in management activities. This will help actualize proper information delivery, thereby ensuring that services are efficiently put in place.
Furthermore, it has been observed that ICT in general has not been fully employed or put to use by most public organizations for instance in the MPR only 1/3 of the
population are computer literate. It is now important to apply the information and communication technology (ICT) to organizational operations because it improves the ways services are disseminated. In the opinion of Blank et al (1999:21,25)the use of electronic information resources has improved their work considerably in several ways. Currently, there are new ICT that facilitate information resource management in their organizations, it has not only change the mode of transactions in the organizations but hope has come to management staff who are eager to get the proper information at the right time for quick decision making. Services are delivered to appropriate areas of need and work is done accurately and timely, thereby increasing productivity and realizing the goals and objectives of the organization. If IRM Is properly achieved by all public organizations in Nigeria, it means reviving the nations economic sectors, health sectors, educational sectors, transportation sectors, political sector and thereby moving Nigeria forward.
Information resource management in organizations involves the use of manual and computer systems and the practice generally enhances proper handling of information, which in turn enhances achievement of organizations‟ goals and greater productivity. The invention of computers and other new information technologies have greatly enhanced the capabilities of processing information resources. Most of these information handling devices are used to manage and manipulate resources in public organizations like MPR to achieve efficiency. But as observed, lack of proper handling of information resources and adherence to the tenets of information resource management are capable of depriving public organizations, including the MPR of their desired benefits in the management process and service delivery. Therefore, this study is very relevant to the Ministry of Petroleum Resources, being a mother ministry to the oil and gas sector of the economy
which presently is the major source of the Nations Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and if the oil and gas is not properly managed, automatically Nigeria‟s source of income will crumble which may lead to serious increase in poverty level.
It is against this background that this study was conducted to; determine how information resources were managed in the Ministry of Petroleum Resources (MPR), to find out what information resources and technologies were available, and to find out how it was used to enhance productivity in the organization.
1.4 Research Questions
The study was conducted to answer the following research questions;
- What type of library/information centre is available in the Ministry of Petroleum Resources (MPR)?
- What type of information resources are generated in the MPR?
- What are the methods used to generate information resources in the MPR?
- What type of facilities/equipments are available for information resource processing in the MPR? (input/processing, storage, retrieval, and dissemination).
- What type of ICT facilities are available in the MPR?
- What are the effects of ICT on information resource management in the MPR?
- How does the use of ICT for information resource management enhance staff activities and productivity in the MPR?
- Who are the personnel/officers involved in information resources management in the MPR? (categories, qualifications, adequacy, training and development programmes).
- What are the facilities used for the protection, security and preservation of information resources in the MPR?
- What factors militated against effective information resource management in the MPR?
- What are the factors suggested to improve information resource management in the MPR?
1.5 Objectives of the Study
The general objectives of the study are to investigate the management of information resources in the MPR, and the specific objectives are to:
- Investigate the type of library/information centre in the Ministry of Petroleum Resources.
- Investigate the type of information resources generated in the MPR.
- Identify the methods used to generate information resources in the MPR.
- Identify the facilities/equipment available for information resource processing in the MPR.
- To find out what type of ICT facilities are available in the MPR.
- To find out the effects of ICT on information resources management in the MPR.
- To find out how the use of ICT for information resource management enhance staff activities and productivity in the MPR.
- To identify the Personnel/Officers involved in information resource management in the MPR.
- To identify the facilities used for the protection, security and preservation of information resources in the MPR.
- To find out the factors that militate against effective information resource management in the MPR.
- To find out the factors suggested to improve information resource management in the MPR.
1.6 Significance of the Study
This study is significant in a number of ways; first by investigating the type of library/information centre in the MPR, the researcher aimed to find out if the MPR does not have a Standard Library and an Organized Information Centre, and because there is a need to meet up with the world best practices, and since a Standard Library with a well organized Information Center plays a major role in the management of information resources, the study had highlight the need of the MPR and other public organizations to put an organized Library/information centre in place so that IRM can be properly organized and achieved in government ministry‟s and public organizations in general.
The study also aimed at investigating the type of information resources generated in the MPR. This had ascertained how the information resources are handled and managed in order to suggest measures for proper management.
Furthermore by finding out the methods used to generate information resources in the MPR, the study had expose how other public organizations who had challenges with problems of generating information resource can adopt the MPR method in order to ease time spent in getting the right information.
By identifying the facilities/equipments available for information resource processing in the MPR, the study brought into focus the need for public organizations to subscribe and employ the best facilities/equipments for information resource processing.
The study also aimed to find out the type of ICT facilities available in the MPR, this is to help public organizations‟ assess the efficiency of the ICT facilities in their organization, and to improve on them.
The study also aimed to find out the effects of ICT on information resource management in the MPR. This had revealed the efficiency of ICT on information resource management (IRM) in the MPR and can be adopted by other public organizations.
The study also aimed to find out how the use of ICT for information resource management (IRM) enhance staff activities and productivity in the MPR. This study had discovered how ICT generally helps jobs to be done effectively and efficiently within a time frame in public organizations, thereby exposes the need for all other public organizations to implore ICT in their operations for better IRM.
Another objective of the study was to find out who the Personnel/Officers involved in IRM in the MPR are. This would helped the MPR and other public organization to identify the appropriate personnel who are responsible for IRM in order to ascertain their efficiency on their job title and to also bring into focus the need for training programmes on IRM for this categories of staff.
Further objective of this study was to identify the facilities used for the protection, security and preservation of information resources in the MPR. This was to reveal to public organizations measure that they can adopt to secure firmly and confidential their information resources, especially against natural disasters and also against exposing their security strategies from competitors who are eager to get the latest information to bit down other organizations who may be dealing with similar or the same products. This study also helps to secure information resources for future generation.
The study also aimed at finding out the factors that militated against effective information resource management in the MPR, and lastly to find out factors suggested to improve information resource management in the MPR. The study is significant because after identifying the factors that militated against effective IRM, suggested factors to
improve IRM was also provided, which had highlighted measures to improve ideal information resource management practices in public organizations, this means creating awareness on how to operate IRM to organizational activities and operations, thereby bringing about greater productivity in all sectors of the economy, and moving our country forward.
1.7 Scope and Limitations
The scope of this research is to find out how information resources are managed in the Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Abuja. The study covered the types of library/information center in MPR; types of information resources generated in the MPR; how information resources are processed in the MPR in terms of information inputting/processing, storage, retrieval, and dissemination; personnel/officers involved in management of information resources in MPR; the effects of ICT on information resource management; how the application of ICT on information resource management enhanced staff activities and productivity; the strategies used for the protection, security and preservation of information resource in the MPR; and factors that militated against effective information resource management in the MPR, lastly suggested factors to improve IRM in the MPR.
The researchstudy was limited to information resource management in the MPR, Abuja with less emphasis on other MPR parastatals like DPR, PTDF, PTI, NNPC, PPPRA and PEF.
Some constraints were encountered by the researcher in the course of this study such as financial constraints and the period taken to carry out this study. The challenges the researcher encountered in the administration of the questionnaire was numerous, first the attitudinal response of the subject of the study, because the researcher is their
colleague, and so they were reluctant in completing the questionnaire, at last the researcher had to accompany the completion of the questionnaire with follow-ups and pleading with the respondents, secondly, some alterations made on the topic of the study required the researcher to go back to the field to issue questionnaires again for the second time. This was responsible for the delay and long period of time taken, the collection of the questionnaires took the period of three months all together, and the period of the study collectively was April 2008 to December, 2014.
These are the meanings of the terms in the context of this thesis.
Application of Computer Technology: Managing a process more rapidly, accurately and less expensively. For example, sorting, filing, storing and dissemination.
Communication Channel: In this study, this refers to a route by which outcomes such as speed with which communication can take place and over what distance.
Data: Collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn. It is a set of unrelated information and is of no use until it is properly evaluated, that is, when value is added or when converted into information by contextualization, categorizing, calculating, correcting and condensing.
Downstream: Is a factor commonly refers to the refining of petroleum crude oil and the processing and purifying the raw natural gas, as well as the marketing and distribution of products derived from crude and natural gas. The downstream factor touches consumers through products such as gasoline or petrol, kerosene, jet fuel, diesel oil, heating oils, lubricants, waxes, asphalt, natural gas, and liquefied petroleum gas (LGP) as well as hundreds of petrochemicals.
Information: In this study, is related to the concept of knowledge, instruction, communication, representation, and mental stimulus. Simply stated, information is a message received and understood, usually in a form of a document or an audible or visible communication which has a sender and receiver.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT): Refers to diverse set of technology tools and resources used for processing, storing, retrieval, dissemination, storing and management of information.
Information Creation: In this study refers to how information is generated to be put into
useful use.
Information Dissemination: In this study refers to the process by which an organization shares information among its unit‟s members.
Information Management: Organizing information in a right direction for the end users. Information Resource Management: Information resources as assets that should be managed rigorously and can contribute to the success of business in organizations. Information Resources: Materials such as Journals/periodicals, textbooks (print base/electronic base) magazines, flash drives, CD Rom/Disc, Microfilms, Macrofilms, Microfiche etc. In order words, Information resources are channel or avenues through which knowledge, ideas, opinions or feelings are recorded.
Information Processing: Refers to the method of scrutinizing and filling information into
a computer system.
Information Retrieval: Refers to the process of accessing or taking out information for
Library: In the context of this study refers to a social institution where collection of books, tapes, newspapers etc are kept for people to read, study or borrow. It is also said to be a store house for knowledge.
Management: In this context refers to an art of controlling, planning, directing and motivating the business of an organization.
Midstream operations: In the context of this study, often included in the downstream category and considered to be a part of the downstream sector in Oil and Gas Production. Ministry of Petroleum Resources: Is a government organization established to formulate and monitor policies, regulations, standards and codes for the orderly, safe, peaceful and
lawful development of activities of parastatals that deal with petroleum products like NNPC, PPPRA, PEF, PTI, DPR, PTDF, and their subsidiaries like National Petroleum Directorate (NPD), Petroleum Inspectorate Commission (PIC), National Oil Company (NOC), Petroleum Products and Distribution Authority (PPDA), National Oil and Gas Assets Holding and Management Services Company (NOGAHMSC), National Petroleum Research Centre (NPRC). The MPR is a mother Ministry which is responsible for a veritable instrument for effective and efficient exploration and utilization of the nation‟s petroleum resources for the transformation of the economy.
Public Organizations: Refers to Ministries, Extra-Ministerial Departments, Parastatals, etc at Federal, State and Local Government levels that deal with products, goods and services with an aim to achieve productivity.
Upstream: Refers to the exploration and exploitation of crude Oil. It is normally done on On-shore or Off-shore. On-shore is the exploration on land wells and acreages, while Off-shore is the exploration on the sea/ocean beds.
Stakeholders: In this study, stakeholders represents the MPR parastatals like NNPC, DPR, PTI, PEF, PPPRA, etc plus other oil companies that relate directly with the MPR. Staff of Junior Executive Cadre: This are junior staff of the MPR from Grade level 06-07.
Middle Administrative/Executive Cadre: In the study they are referred to MPR staff
from Grade Level 08-14.
Top Management Staff: This are the most senior officers (Directorate Cadre) of the Ministry Grade Levels 15, (Assistant Directors), 16(Deputy Directors) and 17(Substantial Directors). This group of Directorate Cadre are the managers in the Ministry who need prompt and quick relevant information for decision making.