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MS-WORD DOC || CHAPTERS: 1-5 || PAGES: 65 || PRICE: ₦5000
1.0 Introduction
Unemployment is one of the development problems that face every developing nation is the 21st century. It has become an increasingly trouble some issue that nations of the world need to contend with.
In Nigeria, it has become one of the most serious socio-economic problems confronting the country the magnitude of this is appreciated when one looks at the statistics provided by the federal Bureau of Statistics on the number of unemployed youth roaming the bears of Nigeria cities let alone the rural youths.
The Nigeria economic, since the attainment of political independence in 1960 has under gone various fundamental structure changes in the bid to grapple with the menace called unemployment.
Unemployment is a situation is which people who are willing to accept job offers, willing to work and will to accept giving wages rate could not find any.
The in ability to find any, is most cases, hinders development of any country as labour forces are not active to give the economy accelerated production of goods and services.
Consequently, the socio-economic environment becomes porous to social vices and economic draw back or reforgression thus arranging the nation into circumferential movement. It therefore become interesting to clelve into researching the impact of unemployment in the socio-economic activities of the people and country at large and proffering steps towards alleviating the gargantuan problems unemployment has created in the nation generally.
1.2 Statement of the Research Problems
The rising rate of unemployment formed the concern for this research work. Unemployment is a dangerous condition that reduces the self worth of and individual and demoralizes this sense of value over time, if there is no respite, of makes a man anxious and this can affect his psychology and debilitating had Ht.
Unemployment as a phenomenon clence a country the opportunity to be socially and economically viable. This is because productive talents and minds are not engaged in productive ventures. The unproductive nature of the citizen thereby affect the economy adversely.
Unemployment builds apathy in the affected individual to look with disdain the affairs of national activities, were this happens, presentment is set in and the affected individual becomes vulnerable to nefarious and nebulous activities in the hence of politicians, god fathers and criminals. The criminal activities whether violent or non-violent crimes engendan greater consequence on the social and economic process and administration of country. There statements therefore give the research to come up with the following research questions.
1.3 Research Questions
1) Is unemployment responsible for social disorder in the society?
2) Does the productivity of any country lies on the involvement or employment of youth?
1.4 Objectives of the Study
The study books forward to exploring the socio-economic implication of unemployment in Nigeria. Consequently on the above, the objectives of this study therefore are:
(a) To asses the consequence of unemployment in Nigeria.
(b) To assess the effort of the Nigeria government in combating unemployment in Nigeria.
1.5 Research Hypothesis
Ho: Socio-economic unrests are the consequences of unemployment.
Hi: Socio-economic unrests are not the consequences of unemployment
Ho: Productivity and development is a product of youths employment.
Ho: Productivity and development is not a product of youths employment.
Hi: Unemployment does not hinder economic growth and development.
1.6 Significance of the Study
This study will encourage all stakeholders in the Nigerian economy to understand the problematic nature of unemployment in Nigeria.
The work is to arouse the interest of the social scientist in development administration to engage in fatter research on unemployment and its implication. The research hope that this work will provide a blue point for the nation to channel policies forward the cobating the “dreades monster” called unemployment.
It will also be a instrument to the educational sector to reveage upon for further exploration on the theme.
1.7 Scope and limitation of the Study
The project took a curson look at Eket Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State and the socio-economic implication of unemployment in the region. Data collected is stricth from primary and secondary sources. Due to financial constainty and time, the research choose few people as the population for study.
1.8 Definition of key concepts
Unemployment: This refers to a socio-economic situation in which person capable and willing to work does not find suitable paid job.
Policies: Authoritative statement for allocation of resources in the society.
Development: A gradual but sustainable transformation from the stage to the other in a progressive and positive direction.
Variables: These are factors that are often changes.